Farnham Green Primary School

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust








                                      Science Curriculum Map                      Knowledge Organisers

Purpose & Aims

At Strive4 we believe that science should give children an understanding of natural phenomena, events and the world around them by promoting a deep rooted curiosity of finding out why things happen in a particular way.  Science should be exciting for young people, providing them with the skills and opportunities to improve their futures alongside the acquisition of knowledge, concepts and positive attitudes.  Throughout our programmes of study, our children will acquire and develop the key knowledge that has been identified within each unit and across each year group.  We will ensure that science is a largely practical subject, which develops curiosity, enquiry and reasoning skills.  Children will therefore be able to apply their knowledge of science when using equipment, conducting experiments, building arguments and explaining concepts confidently and continue to ask questions and be curious about their surroundings.

Organisation of the curriculum

Units have been specifically placed to enable pupils to build on their prior learning but also with a spaced learning approach in mind so that children have the opportunity to re-visit and extend their learning further either across a year group, phase or key stage.  We have adopted units of work from Collins – Snap Science and then adapted them to ensure an ambitious and progressive acquisition of knowledge whilst ensuring that pupil's learning is relevant to the world in which they live.  During the units, children focus on key knowledge and on working scientifically. 

Core of the core

Every child will have:

  • An understanding of how science relates to everyday life and appreciate its contribution both in the present, historically and to our society and other cultures
  • The opportunity to be prepared for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world.
  • Developed attitudes enabling them to be observant, curious and caring about our environment.
  • Fostered concern about, and active care for, our environment.


Units commonly begin by retrieving the knowledge that the children already have and revising what they have learnt before. Teachers work collaboratively with pupils; recognising their achievements and acknowledging where they could improve.  Assessment also takes the form of a practical activity for working scientifically.  Teachers use formative assessment and on-going feedback throughout units to inform and allow them to make adaptations to planning as needed.  Summative assessments at the end of units.


At Strive4 we provide children with a rich and varied range of opportunities to explore scientific concepts and knowledge.  We do this by using high quality educational visits and visitors to the school to support the curriculum content as well as stimulate children’s curiosity about science. Science clubs, scientific core texts in English and virtual reality all support and enrich our curriculum.

Please click here for Collins snap science