Farnham Green Primary School

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust






Pupil Voice

   Pupil Voice 


We used what our children told us about their experiences during lockdown to develop our Expedition Plan to support the whole school return in September and throughout the 2020-21 academic year. 

'Democracy is the form of government

in which the free are rulers.'


Who are we?

Our school parliament is made up of 24 pupils who were elected to represent the views of all pupils and to work with the leadership team to improve our school.


What do we do?

Each year, after an electoral campaign and polling day, every class will elect representatives from their year group; they will be members of the school parliament for the next academic year.

Each representative follows a set of principles:

  • to act with selflessness
  • to act with integrity
  • to act with objectivity
  • to be open to other suggestions and ideas
  • to act with honesty
  • to develop leadership in the school.

 As effective members of parliament we listen to and represent the views of our class, we represent our school and we get things done!


We make a difference...

In the past few months some of the changes/events we have initiated are:

  • Charity events for charities 
  • Anti-Bullying campaign and support and advice for others through leaflets and policy making
  • Remembrance - learning from the past so that the same mistakes are not made in the future
  • Leading a democracy week to learn about democracy for the whole school
  • Feeding back to the leadership team on improvements needed in the school
  • Development of rewards for children 
  • Improving the dining room
  • Improving the playground provision
  • Launching the Integrity Award


As a parliament,

we are striving for excellence...