Farnham Green Primary School

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust







Letters/Info for Families

Letter to Parent 16th July 2021

Letter to Parent 28th May 2021

Letter to Parent 28th May 2021

Letter to Parent 20th May 2021

Letter to Parent 31st March 2021

Letter to Parent 26th February 2020

Letter to Parent 24th February 2020

Letter to Parent 25th January 2020

Letter to Parent 16th December 2020

Letter to 6H Parent 14th December 2020

Letter to Families 14th December 2020

Letter to Families 7th December 2020

Letter to Families 1st December 2020

Letter to Parents 1st December 2020

Letter to Families 2nd November 2020

Letter to all Parents from Local Authority

Letter to Families 14th October 2020

Letter to Families 12th October 2020 

Letter to Families 14th September 2020

Letter to Families 11th September 2020

Letter to Reception Families 4th September 2020

Letter to Families 1st September 2020

Letter to Families 31st Aug 2020

Shine Clubs Update 31st Aug 2020

Letter to Families 26th Aug 2020

Update on the government’s response to coronavirus  (COVID-19) 25th Aug 2020 

Letter to Families 19th Aug 2020

Letter to Families 12th Aug 2020 

Letter to Families 16th July 2020

Letter to Families Shine Clubs Farnham Green Update

Letter to Families Welcoming Your Child Back for Lunch Safely

Letter to Parents 13th July 2020

Powerpoint - A Guide for Parents  Regarding Reopening in September

 Redbridge Public Health
Schools and Early Years Settings FAQs

Letter to Year 6 Families 6th July 2020

Letter to Parents 3rd July 2020

Letter to Eligible Families COVID Summer Food Fund 1st July 2020

Letter to Year 5 Families 25th June 2020

Letter to Reception and Nursery Families

Letter to Year 6 Families 17th June 2020

Letter to Parents 12th June 2020

Letter to Year 1 Families 12th June 2020 

Remote Transition Arrangements

Letter to Parents 9th June 2020

Letter to Parents 3rd June 2020

 Letter to Parents 1st June 2020

Leader of the Council Letter to Parents - June 2020

Letter to Families from Redbridge Education Partnership

Covid-19 Response to Parent Gradual Reopening

Behaviour Policy with Addendum

Letter to Parents 22nd May 2020

Independent-Sage-Brief-Report-on-Schools 22nd May 2020

Letter to Parents 21st May 2020

Letter to Parents - 20 May 2020 

Letter to Parents 18th May 2020

Letter to Parents 13th May 2020

Letter to Parents 12th May 2020



School Re-opening Information & Resources  

Please click here to help children keep their brains amazing!

Pupil Voice 

As lockdown measures begin to ease and the school is now reopening to specific year groups, we wanted to give the children an opportunity to describe their experience over the last few months, as well as communicate how they are feeling, so we can take this into account, when planning ahead.  

Please click here to see the response(s): 

Information Regarding the Opening of Farnham Green Primary School September 2020

What do we know about the risks of coronavirus spreading in schools and early years?

Please click here to read Public Health advice.

I am worried that my child is vulnerable or that a family member is, should I send them back to school?

 Clinically extremely vulnerable people are those considered to be at a higher risk of severe illness from coronavirus. A minority of children will fall into this category, and parents should follow medical advice if their child is in this category and contact the school before it reopens.

How do I know the school is going to be clean?

We have increased our number of cleaners and they will continue to clean the school each morning and evening. At break and lunch time cleaners will now clean high-traffic areas such as toilets, handrails and keyboards, classroom surfaces throughout the day. Along with other extra sanitation products, we have purchased additional lidded bins for each classroom and these will be emptied at break time, lunch time and at the end of each day. Each classroom will have additional cleaning materials such as wipes should the adult feel a mid-session clean is necessary. All staff have been trained on hygiene awareness.

All windows and doors will be opened at 7am each day. Doors will be propped open to reduce contact with door handles. 

How will you ensure increased safety?

Personal hygiene

Staff give regular reminders on when and how to wash hands. Staff currently supervise and insist on handwashing at key points of the day and this will continue. Hand washing is non-negotiable when entering the classroom; before and after leaving the classroom; after using the toilet; before breaks; at the end of breaks; before lunchtime and at the end of day. In every classroom there is a sink and soap dispensers throughout the school. If your child is sensitive to the soap, you may wish them to bring their own soap, moisturiser or hand sanitiser – please contact the school prior to september. Staff will remind children not to touch their eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Children will be expected to wash/sanitise their hands on entry to the school and prior to leaving.

Children will be reminded to cover their mouth and nose with a bent elbow, or use a tissue, when coughing or sneezing. If children sneeze or cough, they must wash their hands and use wipes to clean any equipment before handling again. There are posters around the school to remind pupils of expectations also.

What arrangements will be in place if a child or adult is unwell/showing symptoms of fever/cough?

All staff are aware of Check and trace and we urge all parents to also be aware of the NHS Check and Trace Service.

If a child is unwell or needs First Aid, the Medical Room is not in use for non-Covid related sickness to reduce transmission. Instead staff will call the School Office, or if outside, an adult will go to the School Office to alert a First Aider. First Aiders will have available full PPE for when they are administering first aid. If the child or adult has suspected symptoms of the virus they will be isolated in the Medical Room until they go home. The family will need to have a test and self-isolate. If the test is positive, Public Health England will be notified and the school will follow their guidance on next steps. A deep, through clean of the school will be conducted.

We have supplies of PPE for first aiders and any staff coming into close contact with pupils. We have sanitiser, gloves, aprons, masks and eye protection available for any staff who wish to use PPE. As well as our own 2 month supply of PPE, Redbridge council have established a warehouse of extra PPE if needed by schools.

Does my child need to wear a uniform?

Yes. We would like all children to wear school uniform each day. Both staff and children should trim nails short, remove rings, bracelets and watches. Arms should be bare below the elbow and long hair tied up.

What will happen if I don’t send my children back to school?

The Government’s guidance for parents makes clear that parents are expected to send their child to school. School is the best place for children to learn and for their mental wellbeing to have social interactions with their peers and teachers. Non-attendance will be marked as absence. If a child has said they will be attending and then are ill, they should inform the School Office via email or telephone in line with the school procedure.

What will the arrangements for the start and end of the day be?

Start of the day

Children and their parents are expected to try and maintain social distancing from those from other households while travelling to and from school. Children in years 5 and 6 should be encouraged to walk to and from school on their own or with an adult from their household. If adults do bring children to school, only one parent should bring them and queue 2m apart along the path outside of school.

We plan to introduce a staggered start to minimise children and parents congregating around the school. It is important that pupils try to arrive punctually. Parents collecting a child should aim to avoid arriving at school early or staying late.

Only children will be allowed to enter the school grounds and only through the allocated entry point for each class. Children should arrive at the time allocated. Letters will be sent out before the end of the term detailing when you should bring your child to school.

Staff will be available to show the children where to go in the first few days in September.

End of the day

Please come alone as far as possible, and wait 2m apart from other people, at the time and the area outlined in your letter detailing your entry and exit points.

What happens if I arrive late to collect my child?

If your child cannot walk home and is not collected 10 minutes after their collection time, they will wait in the playground 2m apart from other people. A member of staff will, at a distance supervise any child not collected. Please ensure that you collect your child on time.

How will parents be able to ask staff questions?

Parents are expected to phone and email rather than visit. Any visit to the school must be made via an appointment. Appointments will not be made at the start and end of the day to maximise social distancing. When visiting the School Office for an appointment, parents and visitors are to use the sanitiser and should remain within the marked out box in the reception area. The reception area can only accommodate one person at a time. If someone is already in the main office, parents should wait outside where it is clearly marked.

There will not be any face-to-face meetings with teachers.

How will you ensure children social distance?

Children, and staff where possible, will only mix in a consistent group, which will be referred to as a 'mega bubble' and that ‘bubble’ will stay away from other people and year/phase groups. Brief, transitory contact, such as passing in a corridor, is considered a low risk however the school has adopted a one way system to reduce the likelihood of this further.

Each 'mega bubble' will split into year group classes with up to 30 children per group.

Are before and after school clubs possible?

A risk assessment is currently being undertaken to safely open our extended provision.

How will you help children and staff adjust?

Live zoom meetings have been held this term. When returned, teachers will explain routines and expectations. All staff will reassure children that they are safe, and we are there to keep them safe as well as teach them. We will focus on Personal, Social, Health Education and encourage open discussions around worries and feelings of being in school and away from families. We will structure the day – initially focussing on previous learning and retrieval in English and Maths in the mornings whilst ensuring our children have an increase of physical activity during the week.

What will the school do if children do not follow social distancing or otherwise breach hygiene or safety guidance?

Expectations of behaviour and rules will be clearly explained to children, along with reminders and highlighting models of good hygiene and attitude. Our Behaviour Expectations will also be shared with families. Children who, despite help and reminders, cannot follow safety guidance will have a risk assessment conducted and parents contacted.

How will we ensure safe access to fresh air outside of the classroom whilst ensuring pupils are a safe distance at break time?

We will have staggered break times and staggered PE sessions led by the teacher. The limited equipment that will be used by individuals will be thoroughly cleaned after use. Pupils will not share equipment. Children will not be allowed to play football. There will be no contact games and no celebratory contact made.

All windows and doors will be opened at 7am each day. Doors will be propped open to reduce contact with door handles.

How will my child be fed during the day?

Our caterers, ISS, are able to continue to offer school dinners. We would like as many children as possible to have a school lunch, to provide healthy meals and keep our school meal service operating in the future. The servery area has 2m markings, the tables have been spaced out across the hall to allow more space between tables. Our other school halls will also be utilised over the coming months. Children will be spaced apart and only allowed to sit at a table with other children from their mega-bubble. Tables and stools will be cleaned after each sitting. Table cloths have been removed to make cleaning easier. If you would prefer to send your child with a packed lunch, please ensure that food can be easily accessed as staff will not be able to support with the opening of packages.

Will my child need to bring their own water bottle each day?

The drinking fountains will be out of use. Every child should bring their own, named, bottle of water to be kept on their desk in the classroom. At the end of each day, water bottles must be taken home, otherwise they will be disposed of. Water at lunchtime will be provided for all children in a plastic cup that will be washed after they have used it.

How will classrooms be set up?

We have removed some furniture and desks will be in rows – no children will be facing another child and therefore lowering risk. Each child will be provided with their own school stationery (pencil cases must not be brought to school) and exercise books. These will be kept in a tray on their desk. Children will stay in the same seat each day. Children can store lunchboxes under their tables and coats on the back of their chairs. No bags or belongings from home can be brought to school.

Powerpoint - A guide for parents regarding Reopening in September


Social Stories



Videos Explaining Social Distancing

Please see video clips below that help explain social distancing for children.

Time to Come In, Bear: A Children's Story About Social Distancing

Written by Kim St. Lawrence Read by Ryan St. Lawrence Note from the author: No children's story should be written in a weekend, but I wanted to get this out ...


How to Explain Social Distancing to Kids

Check out more at-home resources for kids (and their grownups): https://www.kiwico.com/kids-at-home Missing out on normal activities is hard, but it's very i...


Grover and Social Distancing

As long time fans of Sesame Street, we thought that there would be no better way to spread some educational truth about staying safe during the COVID-19 outb... 


Children's Coronavirus Fact Sheet -National

F&Q possible reopening information for Year 1


Stopping the spread of the coronavirus is everyone’s responsibility. Social distancing, washing hands and limiting time outside are all things we can do to protect ourselves and others. We also need to make sure our friends and family take this guidance seriously. The virus can live for 72 hours on metal and plastic surfaces. Taking exercise once a day is important. Walking, jogging or cycling, while ensuring you are 2-metres away from others, is good, but sitting in parks and meeting friends is not safe.

“Coronavirus has affected hundreds of people in Redbridge. Sadly no one is safe from the virus. Even young, healthy people have died as a result of it. Please follow the guidelines, urge families and friends to do the same, and stay safe.”

Letter to Parents 4th May 2020

Educational Psychology Parent Helpline

Help children aged 2 to 4 to learn at home during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Help primary school children continue their education during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Help children with SEND continue their education during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Update for parents: April 2020 

22 April 2020 12:29

Help and support is always available for anyone suffering from domestic abuse during isolation in Redbridge. Find support at www.redbridge.gov.uk/reachout or call 999 if you are in immediate danger. ReachOut 

Are you struggling to manage your behaviour and hurting a loved one? Learn how you can stop the abuse from happening by contacting ReachOut or find support in Redbridge at www.redbridge.gov.uk/reachout

Reach Out Perpetrator Leaflet        Reach Out Victim Support SM 

Victim Support SM - Punjabi          Victim Support SM - Urdu 

Letter to Parents  20 April 2020

Coronavirus update  2nd April 2020

27/03/20 - An update for families from the local authority

Covid-19 Response – New Wellbeing Service for the most vulnerable people in Redbridge 
Our community response

Following recent announcements by Government, London Borough of Redbridge have set up a new wellbeing service to help and support people at greatest risk from coronavirus in the borough.

The people who are at very high risk of severe illness from coronavirus (Covid-19) are those with an underlying health condition, and their family, friends and carers and those told to self-isolate,


Supporting Home Learning

Dave the Dog Is Worried about Coronavirus

My Name is Coronavirus

Pandemics and the Coronavirus

The Corona Virus Social Story

Visual Guide advice on the coronavirus

Redbridge Local Authority Coronavirus Update to Schools - March 20th 2020

Coronavirus Update to Schools - March 20th 2020


Thank you once again for your support during what is a highly unusual and unsettling period; thank you for your emails offering support to the school. 
Unfortunately, the school cannot remain fully open, as the staffing levels would be neither sustainable nor adequate. As of 19/03/20, we have no alternative but to close the school for:
Please note, the school is likely to remain closed for the year groups for the foreseeable future. Please look at our website for on-going updates.
Please be assured that at the time of writing there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 across the Trust. 
If you are an emergency worker - ie in the police, fire or work for the NHS and do not have alternative arrangements in the short term for your children, please notify the school and we will do our best to supervise them on 19/03/20.
There will be no sanctions applied to any families who decide to keep their Y 3, 4, 5 or 6 children at home during this unprecedented situation. We are following the revised guidance on attendance from the DfE. 

Thank you

Coronavirus Update 18/03/2020

We know that government are considering  school closures. If this decision is made by the Government we will update you. We are currently trying to stay open because we fully understand the vital role our school plays in keeping you in work. 

If you are in a position to have your children at home, we strongly urge you to do so. 

Please see below the current guidance from the Local Authority regarding attendance: 

  • Where pupils are at home for self-isolation because they have symptoms or because they have family members at home with symptoms, this will be recorded as an authorised absence
  • Where pupils are at home as a precautionary move from parents and where there is no evidence that this is related to symptoms for self-isolation, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. Please note however that there will be no penalties/sanctions applied during these uncertain times.

If any pupil shows symptoms of persistent cough or temperature at school they should be in self isolation.  Please note that this self-isolation period applies to all members of the household, for 14 days. If a child returns to school having been absent due to one the symptoms related to coronavirus, we will contact parents to take them home immediately. 


The Department for Education coronavirus helpline is available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline as follows:

Phone: 0800 046 8687

Opening hours: 8 am to 6 pm (Monday to Friday)

Please note, they are currently experiencing high volumes of calls and apologise for any wait that you may experience. Your call will join a queue and we will answer as soon as possible.

Where to find the latest information

Updates on COVID-19:


Guidance for educational settings:


Guidance for social or community care and residential settings:


Travel advice for those travelling and living overseas:


Educational resources:



Telephone support for CYP during Covid 19

Latest Department for Education information:

