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Farnham Green Approach to Calculations - Year 1 & 2
Farnham Green Approach to Calculations - Year 3 & 4
Farnham Green Approach to Calculations - Year 5 & 6
Purpose & Aims
The aim of our Maths curriculum is to encourage and equip children with the confidence to solve problems, reason mathematically and successfully perform investigations by drawing upon the mathematical experiences and knowledge gained through a rich, broad and stimulating Mathematics curriculum. Mathematical learning at Strive4 allows children to deepen their understanding, master key concepts, review key arithmetic facts which will provide them with the skills to shape their successful future beyond Primary school and towards their chosen career.
Organisation of the curriculum
The Maths Curriculum at Strive4 is based upon the Maths National Curriculum.
Each year group completes varying topics ranging from the Number system to Position and Direction and Shape throughout the academic year. Following our Maths curriculum map, teachers teach and revisit topics through using a learning tool called retrieval practice to deepen understanding- encouraging children to remember more.
These lessons are taught daily along with arithmetic sessions built in throughout the school timetable to enhance number skills.
Core of the core
Every child will:
- Perform fluently in number through a strong conceptual knowledge of place value, the rapid recall of times tables up to 12 (by the end of year 4)
- Reason clearly and logically justifying their views using Mathematical vocabulary
- Perform the basic mathematical skills needed in his/her chosen career or for entry to higher or further mathematical education
- Understand the mathematics likely to be encountered in daily adult life
- Identify patterns encountered in diverse situations and to extrapolate from these
- Approach problems systematically, choosing appropriate techniques for their solution
- Follow logical instructions and clearly express findings
Develop confidence and competence so they are continually striving for excellence
At Strive4, we run a MathsBee across the trust where children compete against each other every term with a particular Maths focus. In addition to this, FGPS have Learning Coaches who support children in the lower years with their Mathematical knowledge and number skills.
Collins Busy Ants follows the content of the National Curriculum programme of study for Maths. Through using both summative and formative assessment including diagnostic teaching, teachers use Strive4 Maths target booklets to ensure children are reaching the Key Performance Indicators and more for their year group. Children are encouraged to meet targets at least three times to ensure full understanding. Children’s Maths books support teacher assessment and feedback marking demonstrates purposeful, constructive points and next steps to further challenge pupils.
Teachers adapt and use the planning created by the Collins Connect, a scheme called Busy Ants. Resources are available to support with teacher’s planning including Mastery and extension tasks where needed. In addition to this, our Strive4 Maths Curriculum map, supports teachers with the planning stages of Maths allowing lessons to compliment each other so links can be made. Teachers use a range of different resources to supplement the scheme and ensure that tasks set are motivating and challenging. These include White Rose, NCETM and Nrich. Challenge is set for all abilities and staff have high expectations of all children.
Core resources
Each classroom is resourced with a range of practical / kinaesthetic equipment relevant for the ages / levels of the children being taught. All classrooms and some external teaching areas are equipped with Interactive boards, thus have access to mathematics ICT software. Whole class sets of Base10 equipment, number lines, place value slider cards and other resources dedicated to the learning and understanding of place value and the number system are readily available throughout school, from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 2. All classes have access to money resources, including coins, and notes and other resources to support all learners in the classroom.
MTC In Year 4
Please click here for a GOV article regarding the MTC (Multiplication Table Check)
Please, click the above link to support your child at home.
Top marks- Game-Hit-the buttonTop mark- Game- Times-TablesMaths Is Fun