SEND - Special Educational Needs & Disability
'Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.'
Leo F. Buscaglia
Our Vision
At Farnham Green, pupils with SEN are a significant and highly represented group across the school, who thrive within the learning environment, feel well supported, are happy, and achieve excellent outcomes, which is evident in their accelerated progress and attainment.
If there are concerns about the progress a child is making, there are clear procedures in place to ensure the child receives the help that they need.
The process begins with an initial concern and this could be from home or at school. This concern will be discussed with the class teacher and SENDCo who will suggest ways in which the child can be best supported. The school may raise your concerns with the professional(s) working with the young person (Early Years, Education, Health, EPS or other), plan and implement strategies these services recommend.
These include:
- Quality first teaching
- Small group work
- Short interventions
- Specialist outreach support
- An individual programme of learning for those pupils with an Educational Health and Support Plan.
The SENDCo has termly meetings with one of the boroughs' Education Psychologist and SEATSs team, who will then meet with parents to discuss further actions if required.
How does the school meet the needs of individual children?
- Teachers make sure that barriers to learning are removed, so that children can access learning
- Teachers ensure an appropriate degree of challenge and support in lessons
- Pupils have access to a range of effective resources that are designed to help them learn in different ways
- Regular progress meetings take place between the Headteacher, school leadership team and class teacher
- The SENDCo oversees all the support and progress of any child requiring additional support.
Who should I contact if I have any questions or concerns about my child's SEND?
If you have a concern about your child, you should first, arrange to meet with your child's teacher to discuss your concerns.
The class teacher will then have a discussion with the SENDCo and a referral will be made for further SENDCo involvement.
The school SENDCo may need to contact the family to discuss the issues causing concern and to complete any referrals for the involvement of outside professionals.
How will the school involve me as a parent/carer and my child in meeting their SEND needs?
Class teachers hold regular review meetings. There are Open Evenings every term where you can book an appointment to see your child’s work and discuss their progress with the teacher. We give advice on how to support learning at home. In some cases, if appropriate, teachers might use a home/school book to have daily communication with parents. In addition, the SENDCo can be reached by email or phone. When further intervention is required, the SENDCo and Education Psychologist or SEATSs advisor will meet with you to discuss what further support can be provided.
What additional support will my child receive in school?
The school has a number of Learning Support Assistants who work in class or with individual children. All our LSAs have extensive training, some have developed specific specialism such as speech and language and behaviour management.
We also receive support from: Educational Psychologists and other professionals, such as Specialist Education & Training Support Service (SEATSs), Early Years Advisory Service (EYAS) and Speech and Language therapists (SALT). Specialists can support teachers in class, provide 1:1 or small group interventions. Sometimes they work alongside LSAs to further develop their skills and knowledge.
Apart from specialist advisors, we offer the following school led interventions:
- Colourful Semantics – a Speech & Language Programme used for developing sentences
- Speech and Language Intervention
- Healthy Hands and Body Sessions
- Attention and Listening Intervention
- Lego Therapy- developing social skills and speech and language
- Individual Learning Plans - with short term targets, interventions, and assessments.
- SEN phonics groups
- Maths Plus 1 and 2 Intervention
- Precision Teaching Intervention
- ELSA support sessions
- Social groups
- Dough Disco
- Bucket sessions
How does the school support my child with a medical need?
- The School has a policy on the administration and management of medicine
- SENDCo manages the overview of medication and care plans
- Members of staff specifically trained to administer medication
- The school nurse visits to meet with parents and pupils, when required.
Contact Details:
Please click the below to view our SEND Policies:
- Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy Statement
- Inclusion-policy 2024-2025
- Supporting People with Medical Needs 2024-2025
- SEN Information Report 2024-2025
- Intimate Care Policy 2024-2026
- Accessibility Policy & Plan 2024-2027
- Equality Policy 2024-2025
- What to do if you think your child has a special educational need
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