Farnham Green Primary School

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust







    History Curriculum Map        History Knowledge Organisers


Purpose & Aims

The aim of our history curriculum is to provide all pupils with a chronological knowledge and understanding, alongside an ability to make independent, evidence-based interpretations of history. We aim to foster an ever-flourishing thirst to enquire and research the past through historical information; history has the ability to create a bridge between today’s world and the fascinating worlds of the past; from learning about the past we hope to learn from the past and this in turn will steer our futures.

Pupils are taught a wide range of curriculum and community driven areas, from early civilisations to a range of British history with a particularly focus on the impact of other civilisations on our country. We focus on the progress made in Britain as a nation, do not shy away from the horrors of the past and study right up to present day and possible future.

Throughout the historical studies, pupils will build an emotional awareness about civilisations and their successes and struggles to develop and progress over time, recognising the resilience and aspiration shown by communities during various historical periods. This will further allow pupils to make in-depth comparisons of societies. Through historical learning, pupils will gain an over-arching appreciation of cultures and of society which will form the basis for their understanding of the world around them.

Organisation of the curriculum

The history curriculum at Farnham Green Primary School sets out the body of knowledge and skills that our pupils will gain at each stage of their time at the school. It is based on the needs and relevance to our schools and our local communities. The curriculum has been written in order to support pupils to build their knowledge and to apply that knowledge as skills.  Using the National Curriculum to underpin the curriculum, history units are planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and towards clearly defined end points.  Each year group completes two history units over the course of the year which equates to 20 hours of learning in Key Stage 1 and 24 hours of learning in Key Stage 2.

These lessons are taught discretely but there is scope for each unit to be compared with others, for children to deepen their understanding and make vital historical links across periods.

Core of the core

Every child will have:
  • An understanding of history chronological from pre-historic times to modern day
  • An understanding of the semantics and correct usage of key historical terms
  • The ability to critically question historical sources as well as being able to select and organise historically valid evidence
  • An understanding that different versions of events exist
  • An ability to make links between major events and changes within and across time periods
  • An ability to give reasons for significant changes and events
  • An ability to describe social, cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity in Britain and the wider world

An awareness of historically significant people and events.


Pupils can be assessed through the guidance on the Unit Overview for ‘By the end of the unit children will know.’ Teachers will use formative assessment methods in order to adapt learning and gain an understanding of the levels of understanding by the pupils. Further to this, summative assessment can be made through Key Stage 2 children making a comparison of historical areas over time.


History based educational visits

Working with the local community