Early Years Foundation Stage
Welcome to the EYFS at Farnham Green Primary School
At Farnham Green Primary School your child’s learning journey begins with the Early Years and Foundation Stage. This stage of education caters to children from three years old and provides them with the skills required to succeed at school. We believe that children need a safe, nurturing environment that piques their awe and wonder of the world. We aim to provide a stimulating, child-centred place of learning that promotes independent learning and confident, happy children.
The EYFS framework 2021:
Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage
Our curriculum milestones are based on 'Development Matters':
Children in the EYFS are assessed using The EYFS Profile. This summarises and describes children’s attainment at the end of the EYFS. It is based on ongoing observation and assessment in the three prime and four specific areas of learning, set out below:
The prime areas of learning:
communication and language
physical development
personal, social and emotional development
The specific areas of learning:
understanding the world
expressive arts and design
Children are defined as having reached a good level of development (GLD) at the end of the EYFS if they have achieved at least the expected level in:
The early learning goals in the prime areas of learning(personal, social and emotional development; physical development; and communication and language) and
The early learning goals in the specific areas of mathematics and literacy.
The Good Level of Development of children at Farnham Green has increased year on year and we are now in line with current National Averages (72%). Unfortunately due to Covid19, our most recent data is from 2018-2019.
2016-2017 |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
45% |
63% |
72% |
Our EYFS comprises of a Reception class with children joining us from a range of nursery provisions, including Foundation Nurseries which is the nursery provider on site at Farnham Green. Our children settle quickly into their new setting and enjoy participating in a range of engaging and motivational learning activities.
Starting Reception is a huge milestone in the lives of children (and their families!). It is the first year at “Big School” and full of fun and learning. Much of the early part of the year is spent helping your child to settle into their new class, understand the school routines and build strong relationships with their teachers and peers. We aim to get to know each child, their needs and interests and we cater our curriculum to ensure that all children are nurtured and challenged. We present children with a range of memorable learning opportunities that they can access both inside and outside. Much of the learning in the EYFS is play based and builds on the experiences of the children; thus helping them to learn more, remember more and make excellent progress. We aim to give your child the strong foundations that they need in order to continue their learning journey through Key Stage One.