Farnham Green Primary School

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust






Design Technology

                                 DT Curriculum Map        Knowledge Organisers

Purpose & Aims

The aim of our Design and Technology curriculum is to equip our students with the skills to become resourceful, and innovative; enterprising and capable citizens in an increasingly technological world. Design and technology is an inspiring, practical subject and one that has to be studied with rigour, as such, children will use their creativity and imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems. These will be within a variety of contexts, so that children consider their own and others’ needs, wants and values, as well as evaluating past and present design and technology so that they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.

Alongside the application of the aforementioned skills, children will acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw upon disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. They will develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently including understanding and applying the principles of nutrition and learning how to cook.

Organisation of the curriculum

The Design and Technology curriculum at Strive4 is based upon the Kapow scheme of work, which has been adopted and then enhanced to ensure that the curriculum is ambitious and relevant to the pupils in our school. There are 4 units for Years 1 and 2, and 5 units for Years 3 to 6, all of which ensure coverage of the National Curriculum. The focus in EYFS is the exploration and experimentation with a wide range of exciting and interesting materials to support children’s imaginative and creative responses. 

These lessons are taught discretely but where links can be made to topics being taught they should be made in order that our children make meaningful connections whilst building their schemata.


Core of the core

Every child will:

  • Use a range of tools, equipment and materials to design and make products based on design criteria
  • Generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through talking, drawing, templates and mock-ups 
  • Explore and evaluate a range of existing products
  • Use practical skills and technical knowledge to improve products

Be taught how to prepare food and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating.


Teachers follow the planning created for the Kapow scheme of work, drawing on the Strive4 Knowledge organisers, and then adapt it to the specific needs of their class. Resources are also available to support with teacher’s planning including virtual visits to create awe and wonder, in-depth knowledge organisers, DT reading materials and practical guides.


Teachers use formative assessment throughout lessons and units to inform and allow them to make adaptations to planning as needed. Each lesson in a unit has outcomes, presented in the format ‘pupils with secure understanding’ and ‘pupils working at greater depth’ which correspond with the learning objective and therefore correspond to the National Curriculum Programmes of Study.