Farnham Green Primary School

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust








‘In all subjects, leaders have designed exceptionally well thought-out learning plans. Leaders are clear about what they want pupils to know  in order to be well prepared for the next stage of their education.’

Ofsted - Referring to the Strive4 Curriculum


The Strive4 curriculum sets out what our pupils will learn during their time at Farnham Green Primary School.

The curriculum at the School is implemented through a whole-school strategic approach to the spiritual, cultural and moral development of pupils in order to equip them for life and to enable them to challenge, question and become involved in the great debates of our time. It is implemented through:

  • well taught and appropriately sequenced content
  • thoughtfully designed assessment practice
  • consideration of an appropriate model of progression



Our Curriculum Statement

We believe that children need to be taught how to question; we need to ensure they are fully equipped to take part in great conversations of our time; fostering a deeper knowledge of crucial debates and conflicts can only strengthen our democracy, and our cultural and public spheres. We hope to ensure that young people can add to their knowledge, whether that be in the arts, sciences, humanities, technologies, languages or sports.
Our school is committed to ensuring that the curriculum is ambitious, broad and balanced. 
We believe that intelligence is multi-faceted, and children learn in different ways; our curriculum supports this.

 The children will be encouraged to develop:
•    respect for themselves and others 
•    an ability to work independently and collaboratively; 
•    high standards and personal achievement measuring themselves against their own personal best:  an understanding that        learning is a lifelong process; 
•    lively enquiring minds through questioning, investigating and the making of rational decisions; 
•    confidence in the basic skills of English, Maths and computing; 
•    interests and skills, including physical skills which will enable them to enjoy and make the best use of their time both in              and out of school; 
•    knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live; 
•    an attitude of respect and care for our environment; 
•    an understanding that our actions have an impact on others and on the environment; 
•    appreciation and respect for their own culture and the arts, and the culture and arts of other communities; 
•    racial tolerance and respect for religious differences; 
•    recognition of aspirations and achievements and celebration of success;


The children are supported, through the curriculum, to grow in independence and self-awareness and deepen their relationships with each other.  We want our children to not just accept each other, not just respect each other, but to really care about each other!

Extra-curricular opportunities and voluntary/monitor work are part of the curriculum offer. The breadth of experience ensures that our young people have a powerful engagement with the world around them. We teach discrete subjects in our school – particularly in upper KS2.  Through the curriculum, we aim to develop cultural, social and, in the longer term, financial capital in a joined-up, meaningful way.


Quality of Education Overview Curriculum Implementation Curriculum Enrichment

Whole School Curriculum Map


Autumn One

Autumn Two

Spring one

Spring Two

Summer One

Summer Two

Year 1  to Year 6

Autumn One

Autumn Two

Spring One

Spring Two

Summer One

Summer Two


For more information about the Strive4 school curriculum  please visit our subject tabs on the right of this page.


For more information about how to support your child at home, please visit:

The National Curriculum

BBC Bitesize - The covers both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 for a wide range of subjects.

Woodlands Primary School - This has fantastic resources across a range of subjects.

The National Numeracy Site - This is a great website to support with maths.

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE)

Frequently asked questions from Redbridge families

Websites to support phonics and reading





Websites to support times tables



Websites to support maths fluency



Websites to support computing


