Farnham Green Primary School

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust









        Computing Curriculum Map        Knowledge Organisers

Purpose & Aims

The aim of our computing curriculum is to equip all pupils with the skills, creativity and mindset they need to thrive in an ever-changing world that is increasingly shaped by technology. Pupils are taught about the wide-ranging possibilities and opportunities that modern technology offers them and encourages them to aspire to be at the forefront of modern technology. Throughout all of our computing work, children are taught how to use technology safely so that they have the knowledge, resilience and emotional awareness in order use technology effectively and safely when online.

Through computer science, children have the opportunity to understand how digital systems work, the principles of computation and how to apply these principles to writing their own programs. In conjunction with this, children are taught how to use information technology to create and edit a range of content using different input and output devices leading to children to pupils becoming increasingly digitally literate.

Organisation of the curriculum

 The Computing Curriculum at Strive4 is based upon the Rising Stars scheme of work ‘Switched On Computing’.

Each year group completes 6 computing units over the course of the year. This equates to one each half term and ensures coverage of the national curriculum. Approximately half of these units are based upon the computer science elements of the curriculum with the remaining half based upon information and communication technology. 

These lessons are taught discretely but where links can be made to topics being taught they should be made.

Core of the core

 Every child will have:

  • An understanding of how and why to use technology safely (see Online Safety for more details)
  • An understanding of how to use a computer to create, store and edit content in a range of applications.
  • A working knowledge of key applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  • An understanding of how computers work by running algorithms.

Logical thinking skills to allow them to write and adapt simple programs.


Teachers follow the planning created for the Rising Stars scheme of work ‘Switched On Computing’ but it has been adapted it to the needs of the children. Supplementary resources are also available to support with teacher’s planning.


Switched on Computing relates all assessment to the content of the programme of study. Each unit includes a number of outcomes, presented in the format ‘all’, ‘most’ and ‘some’, which are then mapped to corresponding statements from the programme of study. A single unit could allow pupils to demonstrate learning relating to several bullet points from the programme of study.

Teachers use formative assessment throughout units to inform and allow them to make adaptations to planning as needed. As each pupil saves their work on the school server, teachers are able to access and make summative assessments at the end of units.