Farnham Green Primary School

Part of Strive4 Academy Trust







 Art Curriculum Map      Knowledge Organiser


Purpose and Aims

The Visual Arts are essential to the development and well-being of all children. Here at Strive4 we believe the arts play a vital role at enabling all children to reach their full potential. Our Art, Craft and Design Curriculum has been carefully shaped to enable personal expression, develop cultural understanding, and foster children’s creativity.

Our Art, Craft and Design curriculum will inspire students to:
- Create imaginative, practical works of art, craft, and design 
- Generate ideas and make thoughtful responses which encourage critical and creative thinking
- Learn a broad range of technical artistic skills and processes and develop proficiency in their techniques 
 - Know about great artists, designers, architects, illustrators, craftspeople; both female and male; across a broad range of disciplines, heritage, genres, and cultures
 - Learn about great works of art; both classical and contemporary; local and traditional
 - Reflect upon their own work to support the generation of new ideas and original, creative work 
 - Discover how to use a sketchbook to understand the creative process and learn how to adapt, refine and develop their work 
 - Know how to explore ideas, make careful observations, use technical language and analyse work

Organisation of the curriculum

There are 3 units per year for Years 1 to 6 consisting of 5.5 hours in KS1 and 6.5 hours in KS2. 
The focus in EYFS is the exploration and experimentation with a wide range of exciting and interesting materials to support children’s imaginative and creative responses. This will be facilitated in the EYFS setting, as well as during specialist lessons which introduce the children to more complex media, with the aim to ignite their curiosity further and support how they interact with creative mediums.   
The Art, Craft and Design Curriculum will be taught alternating half terms at  by an Art Specialist Teacher. The Kapow scheme of work as been adopted and then adapted to ensure that the Art Curriculum is ambitious and relevant to the pupils in our school.

Core of the Core

Our pledge to every child:

•    Learn about the creative process and produce a range of creative, and often inspiring, works of art, craft, and design 
•    Develop proficient art, craft and design techniques in a range of visual art forms including Drawing, Painting, Collage, Printmaking, Sculpture, and Textiles 
•    Reflect, often skilfully and articulately using technical vocabulary, on my learning 
•    Use the formal elements of Art and Design to support my understanding of my own creative practice 
•    Develop critical and creative thinking skills
•    Learn about great artists, designers, and craft makers across a broad range of backgrounds, disciplines and cultures
•    Visit a traditional classical Gallery in KS1 and a modern contemporary Gallery in KS2.
Own my own sketchbooks and use them effectively to support my work

Planning & Assessment

This year we are introducing the students to selected and adapted units of work from the Kapow scheme of work. Children are assessed on their creative approaches as well the final outcomes. 


 All students have access to a specialist Art Classroom and technical Visual Arts equipment, as well as a sketchbook from Year 2 upwards. Our aim to embed a programme of challenge to support our most artistically academic and creative students, which will include an Arts Ambassadors programme and the Arts Awards, will begin when the current restrictions are removed. This year we will introduce the Big Draw, an international festival celebrating drawing as a tool for learning, and The Fourth Plinth schools competition – a prestigious opportunity for London borough schools.